Saoirse O’Driscoll

Saoirse was a vibrant 13-year-old girl from Dublin, full of life and passion. She lived with her little brother Riain, Mam Aoife, and Dad John and her beautiful dog Pippi. Saoirse loved her family, friends, art, fashion, make-up, TikTok, Taylor Swift, and being a prankster. Saoirse’s remarkable achievements and dedication to making a difference defined who she was. From a young age, Saoirse devoted herself to helping others by fundraising and became a prominent advocate for Heart Children Ireland. Saoirse and her Mam Aoife launched a charity calendar initiative that raised over €460,000 during Saoirse’s lifetime, providing vital support services to families dealing with the impact of congenital heart disease.  Saoirse passed away in April this year after spending seven weeks in the care of the Children’s Heart Centre at CHI Crumlin.  Saoirse had been listed on the emergency heart transplant list just four days before she passed away.  

Saoirse was born with severe heart conditions including Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Dextrocardia, isomerism, and pulmonary hypertension amongst others which was diagnosed at her Mammy’s prenatal 20-week scan. Although Saoirse had many struggles that most of us will never have to deal with, she lived her life to the fullest from the beginning. She loved school and her teachers. She had many hobbies over her short life including gymnastics, dancing, yoga, swimming, art, baking, video making, playing the bodhran and even tried out trapeze after watching The Greatest Showman many times. Saoirse never let her illness hold her back. She was a kind and thoughtful young girl who always considered others and how she might help them.

In late 2018, Saoirse asked her Daddy to push her in her wheelchair so she could compete in the Dublin City Marathon and to fundraise for Heart Children Ireland. With unwavering support and rigorous training, Saoirse and John completed the marathon's 40th-anniversary edition, making Saoirse the second-fastest girl under 19 to finish that year. 

To honour her Grandad Mick’s legacy, Saoirse participated in a fishing competition established in her Grandfather’s name, winning the top spot in the Junior category in 2023. Recently Saoirse founded her own business, Do Chroí, to create clothing and organic treatments for young people facing life-changing illnesses or disabilities. All profits would go to charity. Saoirse always thought of others, it came naturally to her. 

One of Saoirse’s proudest achievements was being asked to be Theo’s Godmother in December 2023. Saoirse was so proud to be his role model and vowed always to look out for him. Saoirse’s story is one of resilience, compassion, and dedication. In her own words “Life is to be spent, not saved.”

Through the love of Saoirse’s family and friends, she will always be remembered, and in her name, we will continue to make a difference for children born with congenital heart disease and their families. 

My message to you, written by my Daddy John

Although I am no longer with you, my spirit lives on in the hearts of those who continue to love me. On April 16th 2024, I lost my fight to congenital heart disease, a condition that affected me from the moment I was born. My journey was one of courage and resilience, supported by the unwavering love of my family and the exceptional care provided by organisations like Heart Children Ireland and Children’s Heart Centre at CHI Crumlin.

Today, I ask for your support in continuing to make a difference for children like me who face the challenges of congenital heart disease. These organisations provided me with not only medical care but also hope and comfort during difficult times. They are lifelines for families navigating the complexities of this disease, offering support, advocacy, and groundbreaking medical treatments.

Why Your Support Matters

Did you know that one in every 100 babies born in Ireland will have a form of congenital heart disease? Many of these kids will have a complex condition like mine which will require lifelong support, medication, multiple surgeries, and some will even need a heart transplant.

The Charities my Dad and his friends are fundraising for were part of my life from the time I was a baby.

Heart Children Ireland - They ensure that families like mine receive the support and guidance needed to navigate the emotional and practical challenges of congenital heart disease. Margaret from HCI was there for my Mom and Dad from the moment they found out at my Mom’s 20-week scan. They provide support with a Clinical Psychologist and Play Therapy for kids with CHD as well as for their siblings.

Children’s Heart Centre - CHI Crumlin Through their expertise and dedication, they provide life-saving treatments and conduct vital research that advances paediatric cardiology.

How You Can Help

Corporate Sponsors - Your partnership and financial support can ensure that these organisations continue to provide essential services to children and families affected by congenital heart disease. Your sponsorship will help fund critical programs and initiatives that make a real difference in the lives of patients.

Individual Donors: - Your donation, whether large or small, will directly impact the lives of children and families, providing them with the resources and support they need during challenging times.

Together, let's turn grief into action. I would like to ask you to honour my memory by supporting Heart Children Ireland and the Children’s Heart Centre at CHI Crumlin. Your generosity will ensure that they can continue their life-saving work and provide hope to those who need it most.

Thank you for considering my call to action. With your help, we can make a lasting impact and bring comfort to families facing the challenges of congenital heart disease.

With love and gratitude,

Saoirse O'Driscoll

Forever 13