• John

    My daughter Saoirse was a vibrant 13-year-old girl full of life and passion. She was born with a complex heart condition. In many ways, day to day life for Saoirse was like an Atlantic crossing fraught with unknowns and stormy conditions. The things that most of us take for granted were daily challenges for Saoirse.

    Although Saoirse had many struggles that most of us will never have to deal with, she lived her life to the fullest from the beginning. She loved school and her teachers. She had many hobbies over her short life including gymnastics, dancing, yoga, swimming, art, baking, video making, playing the bodhran and even tried out trapeze after watching The Greatest Showman many times. Saoirse never let her illness hold her back. She was a kind and thoughtful young girl who always considered others and how she might help them.

    I always told her that she was my superhero, and I would like to do something inspirational in her name. Saoirse inspired me every day of her short life.

  • Conor

    Raising funds for Heart Children Ireland and The Children’s Heart Centre at Crumlin Children's Hospital, both of which were so important to Saoirse, has given this row a new purpose. These charities do incredible work, and their support for families and children with heart conditions is life-changing.

    Through my own experience of ultra running, I discovered the value of setting big, audacious goals—the kind that push you to your limits. It’s not just about reaching the finish line, but about the journey, the growth, and the lifelong friendships you build along the way.

    For me, this challenge isn’t just about crossing an ocean—it's about honouring Saoirse's legacy and supporting the causes that meant so much to her and all her family. My hope is that, in doing so, I can inspire my own children to dream big, work hard, and find meaning in helping others.

  • Daragh

    This row is deeply personal, dedicated to the memory of Saoirse, who continues to be an inspiration. Saoirse's journey, and the incredible care and support she received from Heart Children Ireland and The Children’s Heart Centre at CHI Crumlin gives this row a powerful new meaning.

    From a personal perspective, I’ve always loved the sense of accomplishment that comes from chasing the “runner’s high” after big events. The friendships made along the way, the example it sets for my kids, and the opportunity to give back to causes that were so important to Saoirse all mean the world to me.

    But ultimately, this row is about honouring Saoirse’s legacy. It’s about keeping her spirit alive by supporting the charities that made such a difference in her life, while hopefully inspiring my own children to dream big, work hard, and find meaning in helping others, just as Saoirse did.

  • Enda

    Saoirse’s strength, courage, and impact touched countless lives, and it’s a privilege to carry her spirit with me on this journey. Raising funds for Heart Children Ireland and The Children’s Heart Centre at CHI Crumlin allows me to give back to the charities that meant so much to her, supporting children in need and ensuring that the life-changing care Saoirse received is available to others. This row is about more than just the adventure—it’s about celebrating Saoirse’s lasting influence and keeping her legacy alive.

    While the size of the challenge ahead, both in training and the row itself, feels daunting, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. But what truly drives me is the chance to honour Saoirse’s legacy, a legacy that continues to inspire so many others, even in her short life.

  • Roger

    This row is a tribute to Saoirse and the countless families facing congenital heart disease. Raising funds in her name gives me a profound sense of purpose, and I am embracing both the physical and emotional challenges that lie ahead, knowing that this journey will honour her enduring legacy.

    My passion for adventure has led me to the Arctic and the world’s great mountain ranges, including the Alps and Himalayas. I’ve led expeditions, summited Cho Oyu in 2005, and reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2007. But now, I am joining the Power of 1 team to row across the Atlantic Ocean—a journey far more personal and meaningful.

    This row is not only an adventure but a tribute to Saoirse and the countless families facing congenital heart disease. Raising funds in her name gives me a profound sense of purpose, and I am embracing both the physical and emotional challenges that lie ahead, knowing that this journey will honor her enduring legacy.